Ever forget your keys or wallet?


Hi! Have you been forgetting where you left your keys or wallet or bag?

Have you walked into a room and forgotten why you're there?

Or have you returned home from the grocery store only to realize you forgot the most important item you went to fetch…

If so, you might be a victim of BRAIN FOG.

Now, I know that may not sound serious. So many people talk about having brain fog that it’s become a go-to excuse for a slow day at work, but make no mistake:

Brain fog is a symptom of an insidious condition that could be doing serious damage to your health.

But there IS good news!

Different lifestyle factors can cause brain fog, but diet is one of the most common contributors.

Thankfully, our diet is one way we can get big boosts with a few small changes. Here are a few diet-based tips to break free of brain fog:

  • A healthy, well-balanced diet with colorful fruits and vegetables can help improve mental clarity.
  • Avoiding foods that cause leaky gut, like wheat-based products or processed meats, can reduce inflammation and help your brain perform at its best again.
  • Poor sleep quantity and quality are major contributors to fuzzy focus and cloudy thinking. (You need to get at least 7 hours a night!)
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies often associated with the Standard American Diet unequivocally cause detrimental changes to our brain function. Ask your doctor to run a blood test to check for deficiencies you can correct via diet.

If you're not doing all these things, you don't need to start all at once! Slowly integrating these good habits should help you get sharper and extend your life.

Many of our doctors and food suppliers will not help us get healthy. It's up to us to take power into our own hands. Stay tuned for my next few emails, which will help you reset your body and mind.

To learn more visit www.empowermentmd.com

For a free guide on healthy grocery options click here

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This message is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for professional medical treatment.

Doc Floyd

We help motivated professionals obtain Ageless Vitality" to level up their lives naturally and sustainably.

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